Plant-based Monday is here and we’re talking about a classic fan favorite: broccoli. Broccoli tastes delicious, can be cooked in many different recipes, and is super nutritious. It’s great raw, steamed, roasted, in pasta, rice, or even standing on its own. We love it for its unmistakable flavor that it brings to any dish!
Broccoli actually originated in the Mediterranean and its name is derived from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, just like its tree-like shape that features a compact head of florets attached by small stems to a larger stalk. Raise your hand if your parents called them “little trees” growing up too! Broccoli tends to last quite a while in terms of produce years. When properly stored, it can last up to ten days in the refrigerator. Do not wash prior to storage and place it in a plastic bag, removing as much of the air from the bag as possible. Don’t forget to keep those broccoli greens to use in salads, smoothies, and soups!
Nutritionally, broccoli is a total winner. It is a powerhouse when it comes to vitamin C and K, with just one cup containing over 100% of the daily value for each of these nutrients. Broccoli also contains folate, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. The broccoli leaves are also a great source of vitamins A and C, so make sure you don’t toss those out!
Here are some of our favorite broccoli recipes:
How do you prep broccoli? What are your favorite broccoli recipes? Drop us a comment below & Happy Monday!
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