It seems like every other minute there’s a new diet or wellness trend on the rise. It promises to make you healthier (which is often synonymous with, or code for, being thinner) and often revolves around some sort of restriction. Take out the grains, and the bloating will go away. Remove the dairy, and the acne will clear up. Go keto, and the pounds will melt away. In my experience, the strategies that call for making big changes to the way you eat in service of a quick change to your body tend to be the least reliable solutions. And beyond that, I don’t consider them healthy or safe, especially for people with histories of disordered eating.
The good news is, if you have a wellness platform, there are practical things you can do to create inclusivity for your audience. And this isn’t just for registered dietitians or other health professionals. This can also be useful for yoga practitioners, food bloggers, therapists, media publications, really anyone who has influence over what shapes wellness today. Communicating clearly and with compassion are the foundations of working with anyone and everyone who comes to you seeking guidance.
Head on over to SELF right now to read the full article on 7 Ways Experts and Influencers Can Make Their Nutrition Advice More Inclusive.
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