Super cliche, but I don’t think there is such thing as a typical week. However, there is a loose structure that I try and follow
- Monday: I try and keep Monday as open as possible to allow time for emails, to-do lists for the rest of the week or any last-minute projects that landed over the weekend. Usually capped by a giant grocery store haul, if that hasn’t happened on the weekend.
- Tuesday/Wednesday: I try and keep open for recipe development/photography and other freelance projects. I’ve found that I work best doing several photoshoots back to back rather than stopping in between each one. Every other Tuesday, I do a cooking segment on a local TV morning show.
- Thursday/Friday: Writing, editing and client work. I try and schedule most of my clients for Thursday/Friday, if possible.
- Saturday/Sunday: If I’m not traveling, I use the weekend as catchup days for anything I didn’t get done during the week.
I try and make it out for a run at least a few times each week. That’s my “me time” and I cherish it as much for alone time as I do the endorphin high afterwards. I always start my morning with meditation, which is a non-negotiable no matter where I am. Meditation is my life-blood; if I’m not in my practice, I’m much more anxious, stressed and unfocused.
For more delicious recipes and nutrition knowledge, follow Alex on her blog here. Also, make sure to buy her mouthwatering healthy italian cookbook today (we have a copy and love it)!
Diet is good. But, you need to make sure that you still get the right nutrition that your body needs because you lack of nutrition ca lead to many diseases.